Happy Tuesday! Time for Tuesday's Green tip and a Green give away!
We have visited this room of the house before, the laundry room. When I first posted about this room I had just purchased Charlie's Soap and had only used a few times. Now that I have been using it for some time now I have grown to LOVE this product! This stuff takes out EVERYTHING! Seriously! From grease to grass stains to poop! Yes poop. This stuff would come in handy for those of you who cloth diaper!
I purchased the Liquid soap in a gallon and all you need is an ounce. That is a lot of loads of laundry! I purchased their pump that dispenses an ounce so no measuring! Our clothes look wonderful and THE BEST is natural. I also purchased their All purpose Cleaner and have grown to love it as well. It cuts grease like no other and took grass stains out of school uniform pants that had been sitting like that all summer! Nothing. else. worked.
Now for the contest.....some Charlie's Soap of your own! One lucky winner will receive 2 bags of Laundry Powder, 2 small bottles of Laundry Liquid and 2 sprayers of All Purpose Cleaner. That is a $75.00 value! That is 192 loads of laundry!! Winner will be picked by random at 11:00 PM CST on Monday August 11th and winner will be announced on Tuesday Green Tip blog on August 12th.
Here are the contest rules:
Leave me a comment for one entry. For an additional entry tell me your favorite green tip in a seperate comment. Contest open to all! If you do not have a blog send me an email!
Good luck and thank you Charlie's Soap!

1 – 200 of 354 Newer› Newest»Yay, i'm the first one!! I want to win some green stuff! I'm actually really trying to go green so this would give me a HUGE boost!! Good luck to me! Thanks!
I have been washing most of my laundry in cold water. Many thanks, Cindi
We all need clean clothes, and it's even better that it's natural...thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I'd love to give this a try! My husband has been known to sweat something like a horse and anything that may be able to save those undershirts for an extra week or two would be great!
I would love this for my cloth diapers!
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
My green tip is to have your husband switch from shaving cream to shaving soap and a shaving brush. This keeps those shaving cream cans out of the land fills, and it's cheaper, too! We find our shaving soap and shaving brushes at CVS.
onlycancan at hotmail dot com
I would love to win this and try it.
My green tip. We only turn lights on when absolutely necessary. Then we use only lightbulbs that are meant for saving energy. We never leave lights on in rooms when we're not there.
I just recently discovered that it is not necessary to wash blue jeans every day. In fact, it is recommended to NOT wash them. Supposedly, it's recommended on the tag of pricey European jeans to go a month without washing them. I don't think I can stand to do that, but I can go a couple days. It is also recommended to line dry them, which is something I prefer to do anyway.
Wow nice giveaway Love to try this laundry soap
My green tip Don't add to our over used thrash accumalation by throwing out dryer sheets After each use put then in a jar that you add a few capfulls of fabric softener to, shake take out and clip them all with a one clothespin, let dry and voila! new dryer sheets to use
Thanks so much for the opportunity.
planetmisty at gmail dot com
Green tip - Start a rooftop garden if possible. And also buy produce locally if you cannot grow it.
I would love to win this.
I have been looking for a good green laundry product.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Instead of using Ajax cleanser to clean my sinks I have been using Baking Soda, it works very well.
Thank you!
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I use vinegar and water to disinfect in the bathroom. Cold water for washing clothes, I do wear some thing more than once. Really want to try this soap out!
Oh, this sounds fabulous! I'm trying to go green as well. I do what I can!
This stuff looks amazing! I'd love to be entered :)
My green tip is to turn off the water while brushing your teeth & soaping up your hands while washing. Saves a bunch of water! Also, you can use gray water to water plants, etc.
Count me in. This sounds great.
Okay, here's my green tip:
Resell, donate or make something out of old kids' clothes. If they get stained, either use the fabric or pass it on to someone else who can.
If we reused more clothes and bought used ones instead of brand new, we could eliminate a lot of waste.
This is a great giveaway! Our first baby is due this October, and we're going green with cloth diapering. Charlie's products would be a great gift to win for my baby!! Thank you for giving the chance :)
Here's a green tip to share:
Unplug unused chargers
Plugged-in laptop, cell phone, and other chargers continue to draw electricity even when they aren't charging. This results to wastage in electric bills. Thus, the green solution would be to just unplug them, or plug them into a surge protector and flip that switch when your device has pulled enough electricity.
Let's go green!
I would love to try this stuff...I am always looking to get away from the chem. kind :o)
Many women do not like to compost because of the fruit flies...I saved an old large pickle jar with the lid and it sits on my kitchen counter...I take off the top...and drop in the compost and put the top back son takes it out as one of his chores and if he forgets a day it stinks...he now never forgets :o)
green and halpful at the same time...:o)
I wanna win!! Sounds great!
bunnybx at gmail . com
Green tip: We use solar lamps in our lawn and garden! :) They're just fab!
bunnybx at gmail . com
I would really like to try this product, especially if it gets out poop!
Thanks for introducing this to me - it looks great!
This would be super useful! Thank you for the chance to win!
urchiken at gmail dot com
Never tried Charlies. Looks like a cool product!
And my green tip: never drive when you can walk or bike!
urchiken at gmail dot com
my tip is to start a free box at your work place, play group etc. so that you can give away stuff you no longer use and get something you need
Go green! Always buy enviromentally friendly products!
wow, I would love some new soap! and something that gets stains out!
a green tip.
electrical outlet covers, not only protect kids, but also help energy bills.
Love the packaging!
Sounds like great soap. I'd love to try it. It's hard to get out stains without using chemicals.
My green tip is to start composting ... seriously, it's not that hard. And get your kids involved. They'll keep you in line if you start to slack.
My green tip is switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs. Also saves on your electric bill! :-)
I would love to try this!
I have used this for cloth diapers and found it to be the best. Thanks!
Like many others, I'm trying to go all green so this would be a huge help! jeepcutie82 at msn dot com
Like many others, I'm trying to go all green so this would be a huge help! jeepcutie82 at msn dot com
I have to admit I do wear pants and shorts for a few days before washing and I reuse my bath towel for a few days as well. Trying to do less laundry and waste less water and energy.
Wow! I would love to try this; I have been doing laundry for eternity and have yet to find one that I prefer above all the others. This sounds great!
Thanks for the chance.
Wow, I would love to try this soap out! Thanks!!
A green tip, we have a one cup per day rule. A quick rinse and use it again, it saves SO much space in the dishwasher!
To conserve energy, because I love the way clothes look blowing in the breeze AND because I love to hang laundry, I put up a clothesline. I use it as much as possible and when it rains, I hold off on the laundry.
Sounds like a great laundry soap for a family with 3 kiddies 4 and under! :) And a green tip: put appliances and electronic gadgets on power strips and then turn them all off at night to save electricity!
i would love to try these soaps
These soaps sound so fine!
I cloth diaper and have heard this is one of THE best detergents to use. Would love to try it out!
great prize
I would love to try this.
bvbabybv at
My green tip would be to keep a small basket or a bag in each and every room of the house to collect recyclables. If it was easy we would do it more and resist the urge to trash even tiny bits of paper in the regular trash.
bvbabybv at
My favorite new green thing is to carry cloth reuseable shopping bags everywhere. I have heard of their products and would be thrilled if I won, thank-you.
I'd love to win! Thank you for sharing!
This would be great for keeping my kids clothes stain-free...
thanks for the giveaway
fav green tip- recycling is not hard and easy to do- from reusing boxes for shipping- to reusing glass jars for storage to donating magazines to local hospitals and schools-
Put a dry towel in the dryer with your wet clothes (yes, I know it's better to line dry but that's not happening this close to a major metro area, my clothes will get stolen and sniffed by some weirdo).
Your clothes dry quicker and you save energy.
Oh, we would love to try this product!
Thanks for the giveaway!
My "green" tip (s)
always take your own bags for shopping
always turn off lights
unplug everything that sucks up power during the night
turn off the water while brushing teeth
I cool vegetable water and water my plants with it
I use viniger and lemon juice to clean
Thank you so much for this giveaway. Please enter me. Thanks.
My best cleaning tip is to use vinager. I use it to wash my floors, counters, etc. Not only does it smell nice (really it does), it also does a great job at cleaning.
Soap is certainly something I'd love to win!
This is great stuff. Thanks for the chance to win!
My green tip: I use white distilled vinegar to clean almost everything in our house (bathroom, floors, kitchen, mirrors, windows) and I use olive oil in a spray bottle to dust on furniture. Thanks again for the chance to win!
This stuff looks wonderful!!
My green tip: use CFL light bulbs. Also, we bring reusable bags to the grocery store.
i would love to try this on all my new baby's cuddly things! Anything natural is good for his sensitive skin.
Cut your napkins in half for little children.
my green tip...take a family bath every now and then!
Charlie's Soap sounds wonderful. I'd like to try it.
I've heard Charlies is the thing to use with cloth diapers (starting in Nov with #1...) It would be great to try!
this would be great to win. :)
unplugging appliances that are not being used, saves energy and bills are lower
with 3 kids a 3 year old and 5 month old twins 196 load of laundry is a drop in the bucket!!
never leave lights on in rooms when you're not there
my green tip: use an old tissue box to store plastic shopping bags so you can reuse them when needed
I would love the chance to win this, it sounds like it works miracles! thanks for the chance! pposwaps(AT)
What a GREAT contest!! My son works at a sub shop and ALWAYS comes home with SOME unidentified SOMETHING spilled on his clothes that usually does NOT come out!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!!
My green tip? Everyone buys some sort of microwaveable meal at one point in time that comes in a plastic container. Instead of putting them in a landfill (we do not yet have recycling here), we save them and use them to heat leftovers or to take leftovers to work for lunch or even to store leftovers!!
I have never seen this product and would love to try it and make my difference in the world. ceegee24 at hotmail dot com
This is the first time I have heard of this product. My green tip is I use viengar to clean my ceramic tile floor with water. It gets the dirt and grime out inbetween the tiles.
I'd love to give this a try.
Wow. Would like to win this
Ohhh great giveaways. I'd love a chance to win.
For a green tip, I use vinegar instead of fabric softener. Just use it in the dispenser as you would liquid fabric softener. The chemicals in the store-bought softeners have me concerned and now there's more research that just came out recently about how they're more dangerous than we thought (and we're leaching them into the water supply when we use them).
Vinegar works just as well without the scary stuff. As long as clothes are completely dry (whether that be on the line or in the dryer), the smell won't linger.
WOW! I have never heard of this company before. I have their site bookmarked! Their products sound awesome and money saving too! That three pound bag of laundry soap would last a long, long time.
Thank you for an awesome giveaway and for sharing this site with us.
HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net
Here are some of my "green" tips...
- Become a member of your local Freeshare/Freecycle group (check on Yahoo groups). That way you can keep unused or unwated things out of landfills and give them away to someone who can use it or who needs it.
- Keep your showers as close to 5 minutes as you can.
- Buy a reusable water bottle and a Brita (or PUR) to fill it up when you want water instead of buying water bottles.
- Unplug applicances and electronics that are not in use (toaster, coffee pot, microwave...) so as to save energy.
- Walk! Don't drive.
HunnyV "at" Optonline "dot" net
I would love to win this!
My green tip is to use a solution of 50/50 vinegar and water to clean almost everything - windows, mirrors, hardwood floors, carpet stains. It really works!
I'd love to try using this soap!
This soap sounds great!
My green tip--cloth wipes and old cloth diapers work great for cleaning up messes! We use almost no paper towels anymore.
My green tip is to wear clothes several times as long as they are presentable before washing them. We also bath the kids together once a week, not more often unless they need it. We're working on getting them used to the shower. One likes the shower, the other hates it.
I love the idea of this green soap! I could use some to get hubby's plumbing pant's clean!
Our favorite green tip is to put the saver light bulbs in our house.
i would like to try this
Charlie's Soap is the best! My hubby is chronically ill, plus we have three dogs, so stains & odors are part of my life ... but not my laundry since I started using Charlie's a year ago. The perfect green product that really works! Please pick me!
The soap sounds wonderful! kseger at charter dot net
Green tip: Okay, everyone knows we should be bringing tote bags when we go shopping. But what happens when you forget? I have a rule with myself that if I forget to bring a bag I CANNOT get one from the store. So, if I end up looking like the biggest moron with a bunch of things spilling out of my arms, good - lesson learned. :)
kseger at charter dot net
My "green tip" is to pay bills online when possible.
Great giveaway!
I would love to try this product! My green tip is to use vinegar for cleaning-not only does it work great but vinegar is also a deodorizer.
Elaine R
My green tip is to buy the outlet strips for all the TV's, laptops, small appliances. That way, you can just turn the master switch off, saves electricity and money. Thanks for the contest ~ I got a lot of new tips from the comments.
thanks for this great giveaway!!
always turn water off when you're not using it when you're brushing your teeth!!
autumn398 (at)
heard good things about charlie's soap. would like to have some and try it.
We just replaced all the lightbulbs in our house with the new energy efficient ones. Our bill did go down $8 a month and the new ones are not as hot, which means using the air less! Great contest
Sounds great!
Oh how I would love to try this.
My green tip try to bike/walk whenever possible but when you have to drive fill up your gas tank at night.
Please enter me :D
My green tip is to compost! I suppose that won't work if you don't have land of your own to play with. But if you do, compost!
My green tip is simply to recycle, I tend to take our metals to our local recycling plant and spend the money we make on a treat for the family. You would be surprised how much money some people just throw away :(
thank you for a contest that will also make people think of what they can do. I never throw out plastic soda holders without cutting them up first.
I use a planet-friendly soap already, but I love to try new products.
I'm willing to give it a shot! Our green tip - we recycle everything we can with our neighborhood facility.
I have been recycling for years thanks to our garbage pickup service that provides recycling bins to use at home.
We have been using Method products for quite a while now, but I have been waning to try Charlie's soap products. So many green suggestions;
reusable canvas bags for shopping
use rain barrels...
Everyone has already posted comments with some great ideas that I cannot really add to. We already do reusable bags for shopping, recycle, garden our own veggies, cloth diaper(ed) and I use cloth pads as well. I have not yet tried Charlies, right now I use bio-kleen but I have heard great things about Charlies and would be thrilled to try them!!
I'd love to give this to my boyfriend since I do my laundry at his place!
Great giveaway! I've read about Charlie's and have wanted to try it!
sanna1999 at verizon . net
My "green" tip? We joined the local farm to get our veggies locally!
sanna1999 at verizon . net
I would love to try this soap!
I alsways use green cleaning products.
Park your SUV and start riding your bike.
Charlie's Soap sounds as if it might work on my grandsons' work clothes--if it could clean jeans and tees that are worn to work in a foundry, it would certainly be amazing!
Green tip--there are some things that you cannot get in really ecofriendly packaging, but often they can be recycled in another way. For example, blood test strips come in small plastic containers that make great holders for small beads, snaps, etc.
I would love to try this. I'm trying to be as green as I can be.. Thanks for hosting..
My Green tip..
I have a compost heap that I put coffe ground and egg sheels in, and then I turn the soil and use as fertizer..
I love the look of the bag and the fact that it is eco-friendly makes it a winner for
We LOVE Charlie's soap (and yes, it does get out POOP!). Thanks for the giveaway.
I want to try this. Looks like a great green product!
You can live without paper towels. It is tough, but once you get used to it you save money, trash and the planet.
Your rave reviews of Charlie's soap have me very excited. I have been trying to find a laundry soap that works for many years. Thanks.
I'd love to win it and give it a try, thanks titanicluck at gmail dot com
Thanks for the great giveaway! My tip is to try and tackle going green in steps vs. all at once. It will be easier to commit to these changes. My newest task is converting our kitchen and household cleaners to "green" ones.
I love Charlie's Soap, and I would especially love free Charlie's Soap!! :) Thanks so much for the great giveaway!
Here's my "green" tip for an extra entry...don't throw away or buy magazines. My library has a great magazine exchange, where I can give magazines I've alreay read, and pick up a few new ones. It saves paper and trash from landfills AND money! :) Thanks again!
I try to use as many natural products as possible, so it's great to learn about Charlie's Soaps. I just went to their website and looked around. I would love to wins this prize package! Thanks!
This is the first I have heard of Charlie's Soaps. They are definitely on my "must try" list!
My green tip is to plant flowers that honeybees love (unless your allergic). With bees disappearing, this can't hurt.
Great giveaway!! Thanks! Cute blog as well!
Thanks for having this contest. I really appreciate it.
My green tip is easy--buy and use reusable grocery bags...they are sold everywhere and are cheap!
Also, wash clothes in cold water and hang dry...easy and it saves money.
enter me!
And get out those clothes pins and line dry!
I like the idea of a natural laundry soap
I have given up fabric softener and now use vinegar and/or foil balled up in the dryer. Would love to try the soap, laundry soap is one of the few few things not natural in my house.
Thank you for having this. We are starting to become more green. We have went from 2 full large trash cans a week to 1 or 2 trash bags a week - which is mostly due to my 2 year olds diapers - poor trash guy lol.
I'd love to try this. Thanks for a great giveaway:)
Instead of using paper towels- clean w/ rags and rewash them. Also use reusuable bags not only for food- but in the stores you shop at also.
Nice giveaway, I want to win !! Thanks !!!
Recycle everything you can, and turn down the temp on your water heater.
We love this on our cloth diapers! Thanks for the chance to win.
I add eucalyptus, lemongrass, and citronella essential oils to diluted vinegar for an effective multipurpose cleaner that safely keeps bugs out of my kitchen.
I've been looking into green soaps; thanks for the review.
We had a special bin built in our kitchen for recyle items, newspapers, plastic, etc.
I love this on my cloth diapers and everything else too-thanks Jeanne
Every day I try harder and hardeer to be green.
Your review certainly makes me want to try this soap. (And I really like some of the suggestions other moms have posted here.) We're trying to use cloth instead of paper as much as possible. Cloth napkins are very nice - and need a good soap to get them fresh and clean.
As any parent, I could use this. My kids are, well, slobs. We want to be greener, but we have to be able to get really clean too. Thanks for the giveaway.
i wanna win.
I have such a problem getting stains out of the boys' clothes! It sounds great - thanks for the good info.
My green tip is to turn the water off!! When you are brushing your teeth, doing the dishes, wiping down counters...the water shouldn't be running the whole time. I forgot the other day and my four year old walked by and told me I was wasting water!!
I would love to tyr this. My 4 kids are great at making messes and staining their clothes.
My favorite tip is to shop thrift store and yard sales whenever possible. I look at it as the ultimate way to recycle. You are keeping things out of the landfills.
I would love to win this. I use green detergents in my hotel as well.
My favorite green tip is saving plastic gallon containers from my green tea to use for water during hurricane season. I have about 9 that I can fill up as soon as we are notified about a hurricane. I always reuse water bottles and put the green tea from the gallon in those so that I can take them to work and on the go.
I'd love to try this. We have 3 kids in diapers, so we go through a lot of laundry at our house!
My green tip is to try cloth diapering. It's not nearly as difficult (or yucky) as you think!
This soap looks very interesting. Enter me, please.
Reusable Shopping bags!!
great sweeps
Green tip: Reuseable shopping bags in your car, handy for shopping.
Great contest! I'd love to win!
I pay bills online rather than get paper statements.
Wow-great giveaway
KawaiiNeko2008 (at) aol (dot) com
I keep a bucket in the shower, and with the water it collects, I water my garden!
What a cool giveaway! Thanks.
My green tip is to make your own homemade cleaning solutions - vinegar, lemon juice - stuff like that. You save money and the environment!
I have been wanting to try Charlie's Soap!
I have a spray bottle of vinegar solution that I use for just about everything. :)
Would love to win this awesome prize pack. Thanks for having the giveaway!
As for a couple of green tips, I keep a list of errands that need to be run and a big empty shopping bag by my desk. Everything goes in the bag (e.g. return X to Wal-Mart, go to bank, return books to library). Once a week I go run all the errands at once rather than running to town every day like I used to.
I have several canvas bags that we have brought home from the fair or job expos or wherever. I keep them in the trunk and use them at the grocery store instead of accepting plastic bags. If someone spills in one, they can be laundered. When they are finally worn to a frazzle I will cut off the handles and turn them into rags.
I have been washing my clothes in cold water and recycling for thirty years now.
I'd love to win! Thanks for the chance! I hate having to pay for detergent.
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
My green tip: We group all of our town errands into one day to keep from using more gas than necessary.
Thanks again!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com
enter me please i don't have a green tip but i really enjoyed reading everyone elses thanks!
You can never have enough soap! Count me in on this one.
Weve been hanging some of our wash on the line lately. Have been looking for a new laundry product thats a bit cleaner and greener
My green tip is in my other post from this morning. I am just doing this backwards!
I've heard great things about this soap. I'd love to give it a try.
my green tip: Get a reusable drinking container like a Klean Kanteen. You can clean it easily and it keeps you from using plastic bottles.
Would love to try this product..Thank you.
I'd LOVE to use this with my cloth diapers!!
Going green - I use 50% water/50% vinegar to clean EVERYTHING in my house! Works so well and no chemicals!
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