Tuesday, February 10, 2009

If you can't win it...... buy it!

So I have an obsession to go along with my addiction and my confession. I love coffee...all kinds and any way.....plain and simple. I LOVE COFFEE.

I have been OBSESSED with the Keurig, not just "oh I would like one" obsessed but more like "I NEED TO WIN ONE I NEED TO WIN ONE because I didn't want to spend the money" obsessed and so I entered and I entered and I lost rack and I did not win :(
So obsessed I took a gamble and emailed them asking for one to do a review on......NO!!!! Not surprised...not enough blog traffic! CRAP!!

Bummer...I was sad. I started dreaming about this machine.... a machine a few months ago I never would have thought of buying. I am all about Starbucks but it can get very expensive!

I would talk about wining one to my hubby all the time. Told him, "no way am I going to buy one...I will win one!" In the meantime I was saving change just in case I did not win one. I had hawk eyes when it came to spotting change on the floor. I would dump my purse out, looking in the car and in the couch. I am not kidding you, this is how bad I needed this beautiful machine.

Yesterday I was in full blown obsession mode blabbing on and on about how cool it would be to win one. I picked up the Sunday paper and there she was....my Keurig at Target with a $10 gift card if you purchased her. WHAT A DEAL!!!!

I slept on it....and dreamed of it again, not really. Last night was about high school people...planning my class reunion and I have been having allot of those. That is a whole other post. Back to the subject at hand...my machine! I woke up this morning and thought hey...I might have enough change. I grabbed my container and brought it to the bank and guess what......NO!!!!! CRAP!!! But oh so close...close enough that I threw caution to the wind and high tailed it to Target and got the last one!

YEP......THE LAST ONE ON THE SHELF! YIPPEE!!! Now I am so wired from all the coffee I drank that will be up to 2 AM! :)

I love my Keurig! :)

Don't for get about my giveaways!!! This one ends tomorrow and this one ends Saturday!

1 comment:

Live.Love.Eat said...

I'll have to look this machine up to see what it's all about. I have a Cuisinart grind and brew for a long time now and the grind doesn't really work anymore. I need to treat myself to another kind soon.

Thanks for stopping by last week, I am still playing catch up! Congrats on your purchase!

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