Here is what has been going has gotten OUT OF CONTROL busy and to be honest with you I HATE IT! I am thinking of changing jobs, careers in fact. But that is a whole different blog post that I will save for when I actually make up my mind!
My 12 year old had his tonsils and adenoids removed last week and he is in so much pain, my poor baby. I feel like the worst parent in the world for "doing" this to him but it had to be done, strep throat 5 times in 1 year is a bit much. His recovery has been slow going and now he has the dreaded bad breath that everyone told me about. He get with in 1 foot of me I have to step back. He won't take his Vicodin that was prescribed for him, he said it made him feel funny. Is that a good sign that he will not be into trying drugs in high school? I sure hope so!
Now for super duper exciting news!!! It is my Green Week! I have some great green product reviews and giveaways starting later today! I am very excited about this!
So there you are in a nutshell as to ahy I have been absent

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