Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Simply Go-Gurt Coupon and Prize Pack Giveaway

As a parent with a child who is ADHD it is hard to find kids snack items that are free of HFCS(high fructose corn syrup) HFCS is one of his triggers thus we have eliminated it from his diet. Now thanks to Yoplait I can give him Go-Gurt! New Simply… Go-Gurt is made from simple ingredients moms look for and contains no high fructose corn syrup or artificial colors or flavors and it is made with milk from cows that have NOT been treated with rBST/rBGH! Each convenient portable yogurt tube contains a good source of calcium and vitamin D. Simply stated, Simply… Go-Gurt is a good-for-you, low fat yogurt snack that you can feel good about giving to your kids.

He was very excited when I brought some home from the store. New Simply… Go-Gurt is available in two kid-friendly flavors, Strawberry and Mixed Berry.
I bought the Strawberry and he LOVED it! Like I had any doubt, he has been wanting yogurt in a tube for a while now. He is excited to be able to pack it in his lunch and wants me to freeze it like he saw on TV.

Here is some exciting news! The first 30 people who click on the free coupon link will get a coupon for a FREE pack of New Simply Go-Gurt after the 30 are gone there will be a $1.10 coupon available! *This coupon offer for free Simply… Go-Gurt is not valid in some states, including California, Idaho, Louisiana, Minnesota, New Jersey, Nevada, North Dakota and Tennessee

Now for some MORE exciting news! I have one New Simply Go-Gurt gift pack to giveaway! This includes a coupon for a FREE box of New Simply Go-Gurt AND a travel Etch a Sketch, Backseat organizer and a Day Planner!

Here are the rules to win your own Simply Go-Gurt prize pack like the one above!

-Tell me what your favorite healthy snack is for your children/grandchildren or even yourself! If you do not do this your other optional entries will not count! If you do not have a way for me to contact you through your blog or you do not have a blog PLEASE make sure you leave your email in your comment so if you win I can contact you!

For additional entries which of course are ALWAYS optional:

-Follow me on twitter and tweet this giveaway make sure you use @my2boyz and in tweet leave link in comment (you can do this once a day-leave daily comment!)

-Follow me on Networked Blogs (2 additional entries-leave 2 comments)

-Follow my blog (2 additional entries-leave 2 comments)

-Comment on another blog post of mine, let me know what one in comment (4 additional entries-leave 4 comments)

-Giveaway ends on 5/4/2010 at 11:59 PM and winners will be chosen by random.org.

-Winners will have 48 hours to respond to email or new winner/winners will be chosen.


I received a Simply Go-Gurt gift pack from Yoplait through my affiliation with My Blog Spark. The opinions are 100% my own.


Jenn S. said...

My favorite is peanut butter and raisins on wheat toast. The kids love it.

Mami2jcn said...

We love fruit salad.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Mami2jcn said...

I follow your blog.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com


Mami2jcn said...

I follow your blog.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com


Amber said...

My favorite healthy snack for the boys is apple slices with almond butter!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow your blog #1
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Amber said...

I follow your blog #2
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Following My 2 Boyz with NetworkedBlogs on Facebook { 2 }

Anonymous said...

Following My 2 Boyz with Google Friend Connect [Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug}] { 2 }

Maggie Smith said...

WE love oranges and bananas! Pudding isn't healthy but I think thats yummy too :)

Thanks lady!

Maggie Smith said...

Follow on GFC #1

Maggie Smith said...

GFC #2 :)

mogrill said...

I love giving my kiddo cut up fruit and yogurt for dipping.
Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...



Missybeez said...

They love nuts and apples

Missybeez said...

follow GFC #1

Missybeez said...

follow GFC #2

llinda29 said...

My favorite healthy snack is for my children is popcorn

tatertot374 said...

My kids love frozen gogurt and fresh fruit.
Thank you

tatertot374 said...

I follow #1
Thank you

tatertot374 said...

I follow #2
Thank you

Karin said...

strawberry yogurt is one favorite.

karin56381 (at) gmail.com

Brn2lisn said...

Frozen grapes are always a favorite

brn2lisn at gmail (dot) com

Smooshy said...


Karen P said...

We like sugar snap peas here.

Karen P said...

gfc follower 2

Karen P said...

networked blogs follower 2

Anonymous said...

We eat a lot of fruit and yogurt.

Sonya Cocherell said...

Our favorite healthy snack is an apple or banana. Gracie loves them.

Chip said...

My kids love yogurt parfaits in fancy ice cream glasses.

Chip said...

Follow via GFC - Chip #1

Chip said...

Follow via GFC - Chip #2

Chip said...

Follow on Networked Blogs - Jill L #1

Chip said...

Follow on Networked Blogs - Jill L #2

Nickolay said...

My son loves Red Bell Pepper Slices


Nickolay said...

Twitter follower - parkerozgood

tweeted - http://twitter.com/parkerozgood/status/13322979351


Nickolay said...

Networked Blog Follower

Parker ozgood


Nickolay said...

Networked Blog Follower

Parker Ozgood


Nickolay said...

Blog Follower



Anonymous said...

The little ones like baby carrots and walnuts!


Valancia said...

nuts of any kind, luv em!

Valancia said...

Im following thru networked blogs, id valancia arrelya

Valancia said...

#2 Im following thru networked blogs, id valancia arrelya

Valancia said...

Im following your blog as valancia.

Valancia said...

#2 Im following your blog as valancia.

Susan said...

we love bananas and strawberries!

susan1215 said...

My children like cheese, yogurt and apples

susan1215 said...

follow via GFC #2

Amy delong said...

raw veggies&dip&celery with peanut butter


Kim Benton said...

My grandbabies love celery & peanut butter & grapes. So grateful for this offer. camsgram@kc.rr.com

Charlene S. said...

My kids love peanut butter crackers, fresh fruit & string cheese snacks.

Charlene S. said...

Follower on GFC #1

susansmoaks said...

network blog follower tony l smoaks #1

susansmoaks said...

network blog follower tony l smoaks #2

susansmoaks said...

follower #1

susansmoaks said...

follower #2

Anonymous said...

Daily giveaway Tweet

Karen said...

My favorite is peanut butter and raisins on wheat toast.

ktgonyea at gmail.com

Helen G said...

Besides yogurt and gogurt, we eat a lot of fruit and salads.

Helen G said...

I'm following you on google friend connect.

Helen G said...

I'm following you on google friend connect.

Gina said...

My favorite is triscuit crackers with low fat cheese

Gina said...

I follow on Networked Blogs (facebook.com/ginaturner) #1

Gina said...

I follow on Networked Blogs (facebook.com/ginaturner) #2

Gina said...

I follow your blog #2

Kathy P said...

my son loves low fat granola with raisins

Kathy P said...


Kathy P said...

1 following on networked blogs Kathy L Pease

Kathy P said...

2 following on networked blogs Kathy L Pease

Kathy P said...

1 following your blog as klp1965

lilyk said...

I love string cheese!

lilyk said...

I follow you on Facebook Networked Blogs. #1

lilyk said...

I follow you on Facebook Networked Blogs. #2

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